Source code for loci.index

import math
from shapely.geometry import box
from scipy.stats import zscore
import geopandas as gpd
from time import time

[docs]def grid(pois, cell_width=None, cell_height=None, cell_size_ratio=0.01, znorm=False, neighborhood=False): """Constructs a uniform grid from the given POIs. If `cell_width` and `cell_height` are provided, each grid cell has size `cell_width * cell_height`. Otherwise, `cell_width = cell_size_ratio * area_width` and `cell_height = cell_size_ratio * area_height`, where `area` refers to the bounding box of `pois`. Each cell is assigned a `score`, which is the number of points within that cell. If `neighborhood` is `True`, each cell is assigned an additional score (`score_nb`), which is the total number of points within that cell and its adjacent cells. If `znorm` is True, the above scores are also provided in their z-normalized variants, `score_znorm` and `score_nb_znorm`. The constructed grid is represented by a GeoDataFrame where each row corresponds to a grid cell and contains the following columns: - `cell_id`: The id of the cell (integer computed as: `cell_x * num_columns + cell_y`) - `cell_x`: The row of the cell in the grid (integer). - `cell_y`: The column of the cell in the grid (integer). - `score`: see above - `score_nb`: see above - `score_znorm`: see above - `score_nb_znorm`: see above - 'contents': list of points in the cell. - 'geometry': Geometry column of the GeoDataFrame that contains the polygon representing the cell boundaries. Args: pois (GeoDataFrame): a POIs GeoDataFrame. cell_width (float): cell width. cell_height (float): cell height. cell_size_ratio (float): ratio of cell width and height to area width and height (default: 0.01). znorm (bool): Whether to include z-normalized scores (default: False). neighborhood (bool): Whether to include a total score including adjacent cells (default: False). Returns: A GeoDataFrame as described above. """ t0 = time() orig_crs = minx, miny, maxx, maxy = pois.geometry.total_bounds if cell_width is None: cell_width = cell_size_ratio * (maxx - minx) if cell_height is None: cell_height = cell_size_ratio * (maxy - miny) num_columns = math.ceil((maxx - minx) / cell_width) num_rows = math.ceil((maxy - miny) / cell_height) def grid_cell(poi): cell_x = math.floor((poi.x - minx) / cell_width) cell_y = math.floor((poi.y - miny) / cell_height) return int(cell_x * num_columns + cell_y) pois['cell_id'] = pois['geometry'].apply(lambda row: grid_cell(row)) pois = pois.groupby('cell_id', sort=False)['id'].agg([list]) def score(row): (cell_x, cell_y) = divmod(, num_columns) cell_id = int(cell_x * num_columns + cell_y) cell_score = len(row['list']) geometry = box(minx + cell_x * cell_width, miny + cell_y * cell_height, minx + (cell_x + 1) * cell_width, miny + (cell_y + 1) * cell_height) return cell_id, cell_x, cell_y, cell_score, geometry pois['cell_id'], pois['cell_x'], pois['cell_y'], pois['score'], pois['geometry'] = zip(*pois.apply(score, axis=1)) pois.rename(columns={'list': 'contents'}, inplace=True) if znorm: pois['score_znorm'] = zscore(pois['score']) if neighborhood is True: # Build dict. {(x, y): score} cell_id_score_dict = pois.set_index(['cell_x', 'cell_y']).to_dict()['score'] cell_id_nbsum_dict = dict() for key, value in cell_id_score_dict.items(): x = key[0] y = key[1] nb_sum = 0 for i in range(x - 1, x + 2): for j in range(y - 1, y + 2): nb_sum += cell_id_score_dict.get((i, j)) or 0 cell_id_nbsum_dict[int(x * num_columns + y)] = nb_sum pois['score_nb'] = del cell_id_score_dict if znorm: pois['score_nb_znorm'] = zscore(pois['score_nb']) cols = ['cell_id', 'cell_x', 'cell_y', 'score', 'score_nb', 'score_znorm', 'score_nb_znorm', 'contents', 'geometry'] else: cols = ['cell_id', 'cell_x', 'cell_y', 'score', 'score_nb', 'contents', 'geometry'] else: if znorm: cols = ['cell_id', 'cell_x', 'cell_y', 'score', 'score_znorm', 'contents', 'geometry'] else: cols = ['cell_id', 'cell_x', 'cell_y', 'score', 'contents', 'geometry'] pois = pois[cols] gpois = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pois, crs=orig_crs, geometry=pois.geometry) print("Done in %0.3fs." % (time() - t0)) return gpois, num_columns, num_rows